Connie on Elephantback   During her travels throughout Asia in Wake Up Laughing, Connie got from place to place using many types of transportation, including riding on elephant-back.



Enjoy Connie reading from her book "Wake Up Laughing"

“Rattling Rocket of Srinigar ” - Length: 15:25Listen to Rattling Rocket of Srinigar



Wake Up Laughing

Enjoy multiple readings of a book that is causing readers throughout the world to laugh and sigh, to whoop and to cry. Travel with Connie shaw to Singapore, Hong Kong, India, China, Nepal and Colorado. Enter the hallowed Himalayan precints of Buddhist Lamaseries to hear Tibetan prophecies about the Avatar. Sit in on interviews with the Avatar Himself as he manifests objects, heals the sick and dispenses wisdom. Discover the purpose of life, the features of the New Golden Age and specifics about the astounding miracles that are happening in every culture and creed on earth.

This book has inspired thousands of inter-faith aspirants to commence local self-less service projects, to intensify their spiritual practice and to access the well-springs of Inner Joy!

Connie Shaw has appeared on radio, TV and to audiences in eleven countries to the invitation of audiences eager to celebrate the emerging love and unity of the human family.

480 pages - color photos - 6" X 9"

See Table of Contents - What Readers Are Saying



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